Thursday, June 25, 2009

Choralsical Team...We've made our Grand Finale!

Wow! lame sangat tak menjenguk blog aku ni, maklumla laptop kong so nak online pun susah. Ni pun aku dok mencuri guna laptop hubby skjp...right now he is talking to his parent about their construction project. My hubby memang berminat dengan dunia bisnes..and he has definitely global vision! His ultimate dream is to create a business empire like Syed Al Bukhari's empire. Aku percaya satu hari nanti dia boleh berjaya...sebab die memang mempunyai ciri-ciri orang bersemangat kental. Walaupun penat dia sanggup pastikan semua kerja beres dan sempurna. He is kind of like a perfectionist....not to forget, he is able to look something beyond the surface which I believe is an essential quality one should have to be in the business line. Oppss.. nie patut kena tukar tajuk da..'Seorang Suami'.... Ok better kembali ke pangkal jalan ni...Btw, I will always support you hubby!'s a combination of choral and musical...yup, it's different, it's unique, and it's very special indeed! Personally, nie lah aku rase tentang team choralsical kami. Aku masih ingat the first time we all jumpe dekat BTPN, Marang. Pengarah JPN, Hj. Ariffin meminta kami untuk perform for National Teacher's Day Celebration in Terengganu. Aku tak kisahla kena perform tu ..masalahnyer we all kena buat choralsical. Terbayang tinggal dua bulan lebih jer lg tinggal and mestilar kena jumpe sokmo untuk praktis...tinggal suami and anak2. But, it was a golden opprtunity so i decided to proceed plus it's actually compulsory...

ops, continue later... hubby is calling..


  1. wikwikwik~ kalo ade video choracisal intan tu boleh la di upload hehe =)

    lagi buat entry pasal suami dan anak-anak. hehehe xpasal ya plok semangat.

  2. tu lah intan dok berkobar nok tulis lagi...tibe2 ade plak gangguan manja dr suamiku..hihi yela tu..btw,cmne nk upload yer? nanti ajar k...

  3. wokey nnt ya ajarkan. hhihi macam terer je ya kunun :p

  4. ecece.. puji habis hubby die, hehehe!

  5. oppss,, yg mestilah adik ..ikhlas dari hati tu bukan intan yg post, silap dok sign in daa..
